of the book
Lives in Ronneby, at the southeast corner of Sweden. Are working at the
Environmental and health office, at the municipality of Ronneby. Have
been birding for 26 years and have always been thrilled by seabird migration,
which can be spectacular where he live. Anders prefer birding near the
sea and species like gulls and skuas are among his favourites.
Local Recorder for Blekinge between 1988 and 2001. Overseas
travel has taken him to many places all around the World. Are leading
tours for birdwatchers for the Swedish travelling agency AviFauna and
has been a member of the Swedish Rarity Committee.
He has published many papers in ornithological journals and have also
led evening classes in ornithology. Other interests, besides birding,
are music, sports (especially icehockey) and travelling.
Brief facts about
Born: 25 September 1963, Ronneby, Sweden.
Family: Girlfriend.
Lives: In Ronneby, SE Sweden.
Favourite place: Too many to list all around the World!
Equipment: Zeiss 10x40, Ziess scope with zoom, Sony video
Next trip in 2012: Leading tours for AviFauna. Next tour
to Alaska in june 2012.
Drink: Pepsi
Born and raised in Gothenburg but residing on Öland since 1974. Has
been a keen birder and rock´n roll musician since the early sixties.
He lives near the coast along the main route for wildfowl migrating between
their breeding and wintering areas. Some of them pass just overhead his
house and his fascination for their lives is endless.
He currently work as a Manager in Naturbokhandeln (the
Nature Bookshop) which is owned by the Swedish Ornithological Society
and sells books, optics and other essential birding equipment. Previously
he has worked with bird census and conservation projects. Berra are an
ex-member of the Swedish Rarities Committee and have also published a
number of papers. Co-author of 'Sällsynta fåglar i Sverige'
(Rare Birds in Sweden) and 'Sjöfågelboken' published in year
1993. Rock on!
facts about Berra
8 August 1948, Västerås, Sweden.
Family: Married and two moved-out daughters, and with two
nice cats named Zlatan and Guiness!
Lives: On the island Öland, in SE Sweden along the Baltic
Favourite place: Triberga läge and Stora Ören close
to my home.
Equipment: For the moment Leica 8x32 BA and Leica APO-Televid
77 32x.
Next trip: Nothing planned at the moment.
Drink: Beer and Irish Whiskey.
Lives in Torshälla and work at Nordea Bank as a Corporate advisor.
He has been a birder since 1974 and got hooked on seawatching and migration
counting in 1978.
Even though he is interested in all birds, seabird migration
has a special place in his heart. He has been a regular at migration sites
along the Swedish coast (the island Utlängan in Blekinge being one
of his favourites). When collecting additional information for this book
he has, for example, visited Slettnes lighthouse (arctic Norway), Madeira
(6 trips), Canaries, Iceland, Mediterranean Sea, Senegal (3 trips) and
USA. Niklas has written several field identification papers for different
journals and also give talks. Co-author of the Swedish bestselling book
'Sjöfågelboken', which was published in year 1993 and reprinted
in 95'.
Being musically interested, he has (by rumours) advanced
from punk and rock to ambient. But, 'dark' and melancohly music such as
Cure, Skinny Puppy, Joy Division and Virgin Prunes still have a big room
in his heart.
Brief facts
about Niklas
Born: 25 February 1963, Stockholm, Sweden.
Family: Single with his his two siamese cats.
Lives: Torshälla, southwest of Stockholm.
Favourite place: Cosmopolitan but isolated islands
is something very special...
Equipment: Leica 8x42 BA, Leica APO-Televid 77 32x and Olympus
Next trip in 2013: Senegal
in October.
Drink: Water and latte
Website: seawatching.net
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