I was 13 year old when I visited Gotska Sandön for the first
time in late May 1976, along with good birding fellows. We were
young then, and we still keep in touch and birding together, now
and then. I fell in love with the island and visited her again in
May 1977 and 1978. And then there was a gap of more than 30 years
until the visit in May
2009. On this visit we were five birders from Sweden, but I
travelled with my good old mates Classe and Janne Cronlund. In 1976
I was there along with Classe and a few others and in 1978 I was
there with Janne. In these days one reached Gotska Sandön by
fishing-boat from Fårö (Gotland).
Highlights during the stay: A male Caspian Stonechat S.
t. variegatus (first record for the island and second for Sweden),
Iberian Chiffchaff (first record for the island), Tawny Pipit (1),
Two-barred Crossbill (1), Golden Oriole, Greenish Warbler (3), Red-breasted
Flycatcher (3), Black Redstart (2), Nightjar and several White-tailed
Eagles. A total of 90 bird species were seen.
My birding mates Classe and Janne Cronlund,
which I have known since mid 70's! Janne and I have been birding together
for years, especially in late 70's and the golden 80's, when we discovered
Landsort and Utlängan as migrating sites for waterfowl. |
Finally we approach Gotska Sandön! |
The tip Bredsands udde seen from a westerly
direction. Due to northerly winds we were to land at the southside
of the island, which implies a slight 10 kilometres walk to the camp
site. |
When we approached Hamnudden several flocks
of Common and Velvet Scoters took off from sea as well as a few Long-tailed
Ducks, Arctic and Red-throated Divers. Three keen birders, from left:
Johan Moberg, Janne and Classe. |
Höga land, which is located at the
southern part of the island. Here we saw a White-tailed Eagle soaring. |
Classe scanning the sea and the air space
above the island. |
Johan Moberg in action. |
At Vinbukten (the Bay of Wine;-) we were
tranfered by dinghy in three goes. Lucky us the ferry was not fully
booked! |
The wardens is waiting for us and, fortunately,
our luggage were transported to the camp site. |
Leaving the small and steady ferry MS Gotska
Sandön behind us. It then continued to Gotland to pick up passengers
there. |
So, then we started the long walk to the
camp site. We did choose the western side while Johan did the eastern
side. Of course one could reach the camp site much faster, if using
the path straighht through the island, but it's rather booring. |
View from Höga land. |
Classe is a true geocacher. Here he found
a hidden treasure at Höga land. Geocaching is a treasure hunting
game where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers with other participants
in the activity. For more info check www.geocaching.com |
Bourgström's Mausoleum. In the mausoleum
there are four coffins, in which Hjalmar, his father Anders, mother
Madame and a son are laid to rest. |
While taking a break at Gamla Gården,
we never sensed that the ghost of Madame Söderlund was watching
us. Spooky! |
One of the rebuilt buildings of Gamla Gården. |
View towards Hamnuden at Varvsbukten. |
Two exhausted, but happy brothers. After
four hours walking in the heat of a sandy island you should be. |
Small Pasque Flower Pulsatilla pratensis
(Fältsippa in Swedish) at Kapellänget. Probably the most
numerous flowering plant on the island. |
Meadow Saxifrage Saxifraga granulata
(Mandelblom in Swedish) fairly common at Kapellänget. |
Bird's-eye Speedwell Veronica chamaedrys
(Teveronika in Swedish) at Kapellänget. |
Arctic starflower Trientalis europaea
(Skogsstjärna in Swedish) at the lighthouse. |
Gorse Ulex europaeus (Ärttörne
in Swedish) at the lighthouse. It was introduced to the island in
early 19th century, mainly to tie up the sand in the lighthouse area
(info provided by Thomas Karlsson at The Swedish Museum of Natural
History). |
Classe photgraphing Common Terns at Bredsands
udde in early morning. |
There is a colony of Common Terns at Bredsands
udde, adjacent to a loose colony of Lesser Black-backed Gulls, which
contain of about 200 pairs. |
The hot spot at Bredsands udde, but less
movement during our visit. From left: Johan, Janne and Mattias Gerdin. |
Nice flock of Brent Geese at Bredsands
udde. |
Brent Geese, which fly non-stop to the
breeding grounds at Arctic coasts of central and western Siberia. |
Dead old trees at Las Palmas. |
View towards east from the ridge of Höga
åsen. A walk along the ridge is highly recommended! |
The northern lighthouse was designed
by Gustav von Heidenstam (father of the well-known authour Verner
von Heidenstam). |
This nice area is named Kapellänget
(roughly translated as Chapel meadow). |
The Chapel. |
At Kapellänget there is a "fresh"
water-hole where lot of birds come to drink. A good site for a power
nap or just relaxing. Janne and Mattias having a chat. Within two
hours after this photo was taken Mattias found one Two-barred Crossbill
at the camp site and a male Caspian Stonechat along the north-eastern
shore! |
In the search of the Caspian Stonechat
we walked in line. Classe took the shore wall... |
...and Janne the area inside the wall while... |
...Johan covering the highway and I marching
inbetween. A so called 4-man-flogg;-) |
We were rewarded for our good disciplinarian
style with a Tawny Pipit, which is rare on the island. |
And there it was! The male Caspian Stonechat!
Only the second record for Sweden. This poor photo is greatly enlarged,
but Classe had a system camera with tele lens. Check his nice photos
here |
View towards Kyrkudden (with Säludden
in back). |
The well known beach Las Palmas! Stora
Beckrevet i far background. |
Janne scanning the sea while waiting for
the boat. We were rewarded with two Sandwich Terns and one Little
Gull. |
As the winds were southerly the boat landed
at Las Palmas, which made the boarding much easier and faster. |
Leaving Gotska Sandön (in background)
after a nice birding weekend. We decided to make it as a tradition,
to visit the island in the first weekend of June. Everyone longed
for a nice dinner onboard, but that's another story. See you at Gotska
next year! |