Winter |
November8 December 2003 (19 KB) Porto Santo and Madeira,
by Staffan Rodebrand
Highlights: The short report contains a full species list of
Staffan and Ingegerd Rodebrand's observations during their stay: Spoonbill
(1), Garganey (1), Grey Plover (> 22), Spotted Sandpiper (3rd record),
Ring-billed Gull (1), Song Trush (1), Yellow-browed Warbler (1), Chiffchaff
(3) and lot of endemic goodies. A total of 54 species was recorded. |
December 2001 (9 KB), by Jari Korhonen
Highlights: Northern Lapwing (1), Mediterranean Gull (at least
3 1st winters), Skylark, White Wagtail, Common Starling and Common
Waxbill. A total of 26 species was seen. |
December 1998 (38 KB), by David B. Collinge
Highlights: Cattle Egret, Greylag Goose, Oystercatcher, Skylark
and Pied Wagtail. A total of 28 species was seen. |
December 199510 January 1996 (24 KB), by Werner Suter
Highlights: Madeiran Storm-petrel (10-12), Eurasian Wigeon,
Northern Shoveler, Ring-billed Gull and Song Trush. Other great sightings
were Manx and Little Shearwater, Quail, Short-eared Owl, Fieldfare,
Chiffchaff and Rock Sparrow (22). A total of 38 species was seen. |
January 2003 (In Swedish, 75 KB), by Patrik Bergdahl
Highlights: Seawatching at Porto Moniz: Little Shearwater (33),
Manx (18) and Sooty (1), Fea's Petrel (8), Gannet (10), Sabine's Gull
(1) and Kittiwake (6). Other sightings were Cattle Egret, Mallard,
Ring-billed Gull, Black Redstart and Chiffchaff, also Moorhen (19)
and Coot (12) at Lugar de Baxio. A total of 51 species was seen. |
January 2006 (PDF 189 KB, in Swedish, but with English bird names),
by Dan Mangsbo
Highlights: Besides the usually seen species, following records
is worthy of mention: Stock Dove (first record for Madeira!), Cory's,
Manx and Little Shearwaters were seen in small numbers. Funchal harbour
was productive with several Laughing, Ring-billed, Mediterranean and
Black-headed Gulls as well as Roseate Tern. A total of 44 bird species
was recorded and the report contains 14 bird photos. |
January5th February 2007 (Word 85 KB), by Nick Crouch
Highlights: Target birds were the two endemics, Trocaz Pigeon
and Madeira Firecrest, plus Plain Swift, Berthelot's Pipit and Canary,
and also the endemic island forms of various other species. I hoped
that there was also a good chance of seeing or finding some vagrant
species. And so it was... as I found the first Bonaparte's Gull for
Madeira, also relocated the Sora and saw one Spotted Sandpiper at
Lugar de Baixo, of which the former was a (long-staying) first to
Madeira too. A total of 44 bird species was recorded on this productive
winter trip! |
February 2004 (23 KB), by Heikki & Sinikka Karhu
Highlights: Heikki and Sinikka's one week Funchal-based package
holiday produced sightings as follows: Cory's, Manx and Little Shearwaters,
one adult Roseate Tern, at least 35 Common Waxbills at Machico, House,
Barn and Red-rumped Swallow at Garajau, of which the latter is rarely
seen on Madeira. A total of 34 species was recorded. |
February1 March 2005 (PDF 22 KB), by Stefan Cherrug
Highlights: Besides the usually seen species, following records
is worthy of mention: Both Cory's and Manx Shearwaters had arrive
in small numbers and were recorded in two figures numbers. At least
103 Trocaz Pigeons were seen in the Ribeiro Frio area on25th, a single
Collared Dove, Roseate and Sandwich Tern were seen in Funchal as was
a Mediterranean, Common and many Black-headed Gulls. A total of 33
bird species was recorded.
Spring |
February 6th March 2006 (PDF 41 KB), by Hans M. Høiby
Highlights:Manx Shearwater, Ring-billed Gull, Barn Owl, Red-rumped
Swallow, House Martin, Northern Wheatear and Starling. A total of
29 bird species was recorded. |
March 2008 (PDF 88 KB), by Astrid Schuster & Bo Svenning Petersen
Highlights: Of course Trocaz Pigeon and Madeira Firecrest,
but also Gannet, Scaup, Little Stint, Great Skua, Common (rare) and
Ring-billed Gull, House Martin, Meadow Pipit, Black Redstart, Redstart
and much more.
A total of 49 bird species was recorded! |
March 1992 (10 KB), by Jari Korhonen
Highlights: Common Scoter (1 female swimming outside the Funchal
harbour the 10th), Purple Heron (2), Common Gull (1 1st winter) and
a single Phylloscopus sp. A total of 30 species was seen. |
March 2008 (PDF 25 KB), by Aimon Niklasson (Sweden).
Highlights: A social holiday, but good numbers of Cory's and
Manx Shearwaters was counted. Interesting comments on several species,
especially the seabirds.
A total of 22 bird species was recorded! |
March 2004 (4 KB), by Jon Buxton & John Glendinning
Highlights: This short report contains amazing numbers of Little
Shearwater (50 + 39 at Ponta da Cruz), Purple Heron, Roseate Tern,
Black-winged Stilt, Spoonbill, Great Skua and Snipe. |
March 2009 (PDF 238 KB, contains 11 photos), by Nick Littlewood
Highlights: Green-winged Teal, Laughing Gull, Ring-billed Gull,
Iceland Gull, Roseate Tern, Red-rumped Swallow and the the endemic
landbirds of course.
A total of 44 bird species was recorded! |
March5 April 2005 (PDF 38 KB), by Roger Börjesson
Highlights: Worthy of mention: Zino's Petrel (1-2) heard and
seen at Pico do Arieiro, Cory's and Manx Shearwaters, Common Quail,
Trocaz Pigeon (21) and Rock Sparrow (30). A total of 28 bird species
was recorded. |
April 2005 (RTF 8 KB), by Richard Allen
Highlights: Manx (10) and Little Shearwater (10), also Quail,
Sanderling, Cuckoo (rare), Hoopoe, Swallow (6) and Rock Sparrow. A
total of 31 bird species was recorded. |
April 2004 (13 KB), by Stephen Addinall & Michelle Cooper
Highlights: Besides Trocaz Pigeons (24 on 15th), Zino's Petrel
(3 heard at the breeding ledges on Pico de Ariero on the night of
the 18th/19th), Cory's, Little and Manx Shearwaters, birds of particular
note were Brambling, Sand Martin, Great Skua, Arctic Skua and Spectacled
Warbler. A total of 28 species was recorded. |
April 2003 (11 KB), by Ned Brinkley
Highlights: A three hours sea cruise westward produced 800
Cory's, 3 Little, 18 Manx and 2 Sooty Shearwaters. Also a lovely story
when Ned visited Pico Arieiro both seeing and hearing Zino's Petrels
around the peak. Also Roseate Tern on two days and many more of Manx
and Little Shearwaters.
Summer |
June 5 July 2004 (39 KB), by Peter C. Meijer
Highlights: Besides Zino's Petrel (seen and heard at the breeding
site on Pico de Ariero), few Little Shearwaters, birds of particular
note were Roseate Tern (6), Barn Owl, White-rumped Swift (the first
if accepted), Rock Sparrow and Common Waxbill. A total of 32 species
was recorded. |
July 2005 (PDF 24 KB), by Niklas Holmström et. all
Highlights: Zino's, Fea's/Zino's, Sandwich and Roseate Tern,
Quail, Alpine Swift and Rock Sparrows. A total of 33 bird species
(including all the specialties) was recorded. |
July 2003 (97 KB), by Göran & Edvin Hansson
Highlights: One 24 hour boat trip to Desertas and staying overnight
there, which produced thousands of Cory's Shearwater and Bulwer's
Petrels (3000) passing before the dusk off shore Deserta Grande. The
night scene also included calls from about a hundred Madeiran Storm-petrels!
Furthermore: Zino's Petrel (4 heard at the breeding place), Speckled
Teal (probably a escape), Roseate Tern and Short-toed Lark. Species
such as Turtle Dove, Barn Owl, Pallid Swift and Barn Swallow was also
seen. A total of 48 species was recorded. |
July 2009 (PDF 949 KB, contains 7 photos), by Mike Cram &
Neville Davies (UK).
Highlights: Green-winged Teal, Zino's and Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's
Petrel, Barn Owl, Collared Dove, Spetacled Warbler and Rock Sparrow
(100) and all the endemic landbirds of course.
A total of 35 bird species was recorded! |
2001 (13 KB), by Simon Harrap
Highlights: Both Fea's and Zino's Petrel, Balearic Shearwater
(2), a pair of breeding House Martins (first breeding for Macronesia?),
Great Skua and Ring-billed Gull. The boat trip to Desertas also offered
nice views of two Sperm Whales and schools of Short-finned Pilot Whales.
Late summer |
July 2nd August 2005 (Word 1,1 MB), contains many photos,
by Stefan Magnusson
Highlights: Little Shearwater (1), Balearic Shearwater (1),
Zino's, Fea's/Zino's, Ring-billed Gull, Turtle Dove and Rock Sparrows.
A total of 34 bird species was recorded. |
August 2005 (Word 47 KB), by Alex Bevan, Phil Bristow, Hugh Harrop,
Judd Hunt & Martyn Watkins
Highlights: Zino's and Fea's Petrel, Little Shearwater, Ring-billed
Gull, Roseate Tern, Spectacled Warbler and Rock Sparrow, and of course
all the Madeiran specialities and several cetaceans. A total of 40
bird species was recorded. |
August 2004 (31 KB), by Kenneth Rosén & Lena Carlsson
Highlights: Besides Zino's Petrel ( several seen and heard
at the breeding site on Pico de Ariero) a few Little Shearwaters,
several Fea's/Zino's and birds of particular note were Roseate Tern,
Purple Heron and Madeiran Storm-petrel. Several cetaceans species
were record, such as Fin, Sei and Minke Whale, Spotted, Bottlenose
and Common Dolphin! They went with the boat "Ventura do Mar"
on four tours. A total of 42 species was recorded. |
August 1998 (24 KB), by Andreas Bruun Kristensen
Highlights: Fea's (3) and Fea's/Zino's Petrel (17), Great (3)
and Little Shearwater (35), Great (1), Pomarine (3) and Long-tailed
Skua (1). Other sightings were Curlew Sandpiper, Pallid Swift and
Rock Sparrow. A total of 38 species was seen. |
August 2001 (13 KB), by Steve Smith and Dot Machin
Highlights: Both Fea's and Zino's Petrel, Little (9) and Balearic
Shearwater (1), Madeiran Storm-petrel (1), Ring-billed Gull (1) and
Roseate Tern (2). A total of 32 species was seen on the trip. |
July 2009 (Word 68 KB), by Ian Merrill (UK).
Highlights: Zino's and Fea's Petrel, Little Shearwater, Madeiran
Storm-petrel, Spetacled Warbler and all the endemic landbirds of course.
Also several species of cetaceans as well as Monk Seal!
The report is more like a well-written diary and very enjoyable to
read! |
August 2000 (17 KB), by Mark Marshall
Highlights: Zino's Petrel (breeding place), Fea's Petrel, Little
Shearwater and Purple Heron. Rock Sparrows and Pallid Swift was also
seen. The report contain a nice story of the visit to the Zino's nesting
place up in the mountain as well as two pelagic trips. |
August 2009 (Word 1,7 MB, contains 30 photos), by Vincent van
der Spek (Netherlands).
Highlights: Green-winged Teal, Zino's and Fea's Petrel, Little
and Great Shearwater, Elenora's Falcon, Hudsonian Whimbrel, Pomarine
Skua, Spetacled Warbler and all the endemic landbirds of course.
A total of 50 bird species was recorded! Very informative trip report. |
August 2005 (PDF 109 KB, in Swedish), by Bosse Carlsson
Highlights: Zino's & Fea's Petrel, Great and Little Shearwater,
Madeiran and White-faced Storm-petrel, Mandarin Duck, White Stork,
Sandwich and Roseate Tern, Collared Dove, Spectacled Warbler and Common
Waxbill, and of course all the Madeiran specialities (including cetaceans,
Loggerhead and Monk Seal). A total of 55 bird species was recorded. |
August 2003 (56 KB) including one week on Porto Santo, by Magnus
Highlights: Seawatching at Porto Moniz: Exceptional high numbers
on Great Shearwater (4185). Also Manx (97) and Sooty Shearwater (2).
In total Little Shearwater (1), Fea's/Zino's (54), Zino's (3) and
Bulwer's Petrel (2000 on 25/8.). Other sightings was Garganey (new
to Madeira), Quail, Little Stint (1), Long-tailed Skua (11), Roseate
Tern (at least 4), Turtle Dove (1), Great Spotted Cuckoo (1), Pallid
Swift (7), Spectacled Warbler (many) and Rock Sparrow (many). A total
of 56 species was seen. |
August6 September 2002 (103 KB), by Niklas Holmström
29 August5
September 2002 (125 KB), by Gido Davidse, Peter L. Meininger,
Erik Sanders
Highlights: Both reports above contains great seawatching counts
from Porto Moniz and, to a minor extent, at Ponta da Cruz: Fea's/Zino's
Petrel (> 40), Bulwer's Petrel (867 at Ponta da Cruz on 31 August),
Little (>100), Manx (1400), Balearic (1), Great (1500) and Sooty
Shearwater (8), Great (5) and Pomarine Skua (9). Further seabird countings
at Porto Moniz on 11-12 September produced: Sooty (46), Great (381),
Manx (2446!) and Balearic Shearwater (2). Besides the high seabird
countings, following was seen: Spotted Sandpiper, Bar-tailed Godwit,
Temminck's Stint (probably the first for Madeira), Ring-billed Gull
and Roseate Tern. Species such as Turtle Dove, Pallid Swift, Barn
Owl and Reed Warbler was also seen. A total of 38 and 57 species was
recorded respectively. |
August to 4th September 2009 (PDF 296 KB, contains 5 photos),
by Max Berlijn (Netherlands).
Highlights: Brown Booby (the first for Madeira!) , Zino's and
Fea's Petrel, Great Shearwater, Wilson's and Madeiran Storm-petrel,
Green-winged Teal, Long-tailed Skua and Roseate Tern and all the endemic
landbirds of course. A total of 45 bird species was recorded! |
August5 September 2001 (In Swedish, 16 KB), by Kjetil Jensen
Highlights: Manx (1) and Little Shearwater (>50 at Porto
Moniz), Red-billed Tropicbird (Desertas) and Ring-billed Gull. A total
of 31 species was seen on the trip. |
August5th September 2005 (PDF 473 KB), by Dave MacMillan,
Peter Phillips, Jan Pitman, Colin West and John Williams
Highlights: Zino's/Fea's Petrel, Great Shearwater, Little Stint,
Ring-billed Gull, Sandwich Tern, Spectacled Warbler and Common Waxbill,
and of course all the Madeiran specialities (including Cetaceans,
Plants, Butterflies and much more + five photos). A total of 31 bird
species was recorded. |
August to 9th September 2009 (PDF 124 KB), by Michel de Lange
(Netherlands). NEW
Highlights: The report only covers the sea watching at Porto
Moniz. In 10 days 5846 Great Shearwaters were seen and with the exception
of 2 September with 5159 birds passing south. |
September 2004 (PDF 28 KB), by Bosse Carlsson & Niklas Holmström
Highlights: Besides Zino's Petrel (seen at the breeding site
on Pico de Ariero) the report contain sightings of Hobby and Collared
Dove and several seabird species such as 47 Fea's/Zino's, Great, Sooty,
Little (3) and Manx Shearwaters (3.109) and one Madeiran Storm-petrel
as several cetaceans species! A total of 53 bird species was recorded. |
September 2000 (28 KB), by Niklas Holmström
Highlights: Seawatching at Porto Moniz produced: Great (219),
Sooty (5), Manx (412) and Little Shearwater (20). Many excellent views
of Barn Owl and displaying Red-legged Partridges was logged on the
trip. A total of 34 species was seen on the trip. |
September 2003 (37 KB) and with
photos (860 KB), by Klas Rådberg & Stefan Magnusson
Highlights: Seawatching at Porto Moniz: Exceptional high numbers
on Cory's (2730), Great (5349) and Manx Shearwater (1268). Also Sooty
(2), Little Shearwater (1), Fea's/Zino's (3) and Bulwer's Petrel (143)
and a few skuas. The boat trip to Desertas produced 25 Fea's/Zino's
and one Monk Seal, which is very rare! A total of 35 species was seen.
Autumn |
September 2003 (35 KB) and in French
language (64 KB), by Georges Olioso
Highlights: Balearic Shearwater, Cattle Egret, Barbary Falcon,
Dotterel, Woodcock (a rarerly seen scarce breeder), Curlew Sandpiper,
Pectoral Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit, American Herring Gull (new
to Madeira) and Common Swift. Species such as Little Stint, Pallid
Swift, Wheatear, Winchat, Pied Flycatcher and Spotted Flycatcher was
also seen. A total of 60 species was recorded. |
September 2007 (PDF 13 KB), by Petri Saarinen and Anita Saarinen
Highlights: Booted Eagle (third record), Glossy Ibis, Eurasian
Collared Dove, Yellow Wagtail on Porto Santo. Great and Sooty Shearwater,
Great Skua at Porto Moniz. A total of 42 bird species was recorded
on this trip. |
September2 October 1999 (29 KB), by Keith Regan
Highlights: Seawatching at Porto Moniz produced: Little Shearwater
(60), Madeiran Storm-petrel (15) and Pomarine Skua (4). Other sightings
were Fea's/Zino's Petrel (18), Great and Balearic Shearwater, Knot,
Greenshank and Long-tailed Skua (3). A total of 39 species was seen. |
October 1995 (19 KB), by Tuula & Juha Piipponen
Highlights: Little Shearwater, Oystercather, Grey Plover, Wheatear,
Common Waxbill and Rock Sparrow. A total of 38 species was seen. |
October 2002 (38 KB), by Andy Warren
Highlights: Sooty, Little and Balearic Shearwater, Madeiran
Storm Petrel, Black-crowned Night Heron, Pintail, Hen Harrier, Little
Stint, White-rumped Sandpiper, Ring-billed Gull, Roseate Tern and
Short-eared Owl. Species such asGreat and Pomarine Skua, Barn Owl,
Common and Pallid Swift, Willow Warbler, Starling and Siskin was also
seen. A total of 66 species was seen. |
October12 November 1999 (33 KB), by Neil Money
Highlights: Fea's/Zino's Petrel (44), Little Shearwater (3),
Madeiran Storm-petrel (4), Hen Harrier (probably the first record),
Grey Phalarope (1), Pomarine Skua (4), Great Black-backed Gull (4),
Kittiwake (31), Red-throated Pipit and Stonechat. A total of 45 species
was seen. |